Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Alvin's Photostudy

Well, its officially been a week since Alvin was banded. He is adjusting well to it. He still gets upset when it's time to lay down with it on, but other than that, he is doing well.

We have his photostudy back. So here goes:

Alvin is a 9 month old male referred to Cranial Technologies for treatment of his brachycephaly. He presents with left occipital flattening, right frontal flattening, and associated facial asymmetery. He has an ear shift with the left ear anterior to the right and an increased head width to length ratio.

Increased posterior head height and a sloped forehead.

Left occipital flattening; right frontal flattening; increased head width to height ratio; left eye and cheek anterior to the right

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day 3

His helmet once we decorated it

So, he is still having fits while the band is on. But, it is getting better. We are up to 5 hours on, 1 hour off. We start going down for a nap today with it on. Then, to 7 hours on, 1 hour off tommorrow. Then finally on Saturday night, he will go to bed with it on and on Sunday be wearing it for the full 23 hours a day.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

He has been banded!

So, today was the day. He will wear the band for approx. 14 weeks. That is all dependant on how well this works.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cranial Tech-Visit 1

So, we went to Cranial Technologies yesterday and started on the journey of cranial banding. We had a nurses consultation, then a head scan with digital imaging, then off to the photo study and "headsicling".

I feel bad for my little man. He -hates- his head being messed with and that is all they did yesterday.
Getting his consultation done. He was happy at this point.

The horrid stocking they had to put on his head to do the digital imaging and all that. He hated it.

Waiting on the photostudy to begin.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Background Information

Well, since some of you might be new to his story, or some may just not know fully. Here is the background to Alvin's story.

He was born almost a month early and after severe circumstances during his pregnancy. Around 2 months of age, the Pediatrician noticed that Alvin could not move his head to the right, and that his head was becoming increasingly more deformed.

This led to many hours of "tummy time" per day. Up to 8 hours on some days. No marked improvement was made. In fact, his head only got worse. So, then it was off to Dr John Persing at Yale Medical in New Haven. Dr Persing is a craniofacial specialist.

Once their, he diagnosed my baby with severe Plagiocephaly and Brachycephaly. This was partially being caused by his Torticollis. Their suggestion on treatment was a DOC Band. So, this diagnosis began the 5 month fight to get Tricare to pay for this treatment. They refused and continue to refuse.

So, today begins Alvin's journey. We are paying for his treatment out of pocket. Today we are going to have a head cast made and Alvin to have a full work up on any other underlying issues he may have. Cross you fingers, this might get bumpy.

**For more information on Prevention of head deformities, please visit: Heads Up Baby and Cranial Technologies **