Monday, December 9, 2019

MRI recheck

Alvin is a flipping rock star! We arrived at Akron Children's bright and early this morning.

We decided to attempt a non-sedated MRI, instead of the scheduled sedated one, today. Alvin did amazing! A few wiggles, but nothing too bad.

Prior to his MRI, he got to visit with Sophie, a therapy dog at ACH. Alvin loved every minute of it. Such a great program!

Then, after the MRI, it was over to the NeuroDevelopmental Science Center and the neurosurgeon’s office for the MRI results.
And...... minimal to no growth!!! Yay!! Recheck (MRI) again in March. Still don’t know what this is, but we’re going to watch it.

He did have some growth of some FASI (UBO) in his cerebellum but those are consistent with NF and aren’t overly concerning.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Fifth Grade Band Concert

Alvin had his first ever band concert tonight. He was so nervous in the weeks leading up to it, but he did great! While he chose percussion, they only learn notes and play the bells until later in the year.

Now we focus on Monday’s MRI and neurosurgical appointments.