Yes, I know I've been horrid about updating this blog. Many times I just update on the main blog. Sorry about that. So, what's been going on?
Alvin got his iPad thanks to a bunch of wonderful friends. Thanks guys! He's now had his iPad for 2 months, and is having a great time with it. Learning the AAC has been an experiece. We had bought Proloquo2Go, but he hated it. Thanks to a WONDERFUL friend, we were gifted SonoFlex and he's been using it. He's making slow progress, but it's progress nonetheless. He's also been using several different apps for other skills. Fine motor skills, hand/eye coordination, etc. We're up to almost 200 different apps, though not all are for Alvin. We've won some apps for the girls as well.
Speaking of which, I've started a blog for app reviews. It's located at The Banded Boy: Reviews. I dont what to clog up this blog with those reviews. But, if you're interested in looking for apps, check out that blog.
Alvin also went to the Pedi for his 4 year checkup. He's grown! He's 38.5inches tall, and he weighed 34 lbs. We also got referrals to neuro, opthamology, nephrology, genetics, speech, OT, PT, and ortho. The opthamology appointment went well. Alvin has reduced vision in his right eye, but it's not enough to be corrected just yet. The rest of the appointments we havent done yet, so I have nothing to report there.